Things to do when buying a new car

Things to do when buying a new car that every driver should know
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Some first-time car owners do not have much experience in equipping the necessary accessories to help protect the car's longevity. So what should you do when buying a new car to ensure safety on every journey? Follow CeraMAX's article below to learn what to do when buying a new car to bring more comfort and safety when driving.

Things to do right away when buying a new car

1.1. Buy insurance

The first thing a driver needs to do when buying a new car is to buy insurance for the car. Auto insurance includes:
Vehicle body insurance.
Civil liability insurance to be able to register the vehicle.

1.2. Offering for a new car

Worshiping a new car is something that many drivers pay attention to. Surely this is something that many drivers already know. Because after buying a new car, the driver should donate the car to create more peace of mind when using the car.

1.3. Deodorize new cars

New cars will often have odors from the seats or air conditioning, making people inside the car feel uncomfortable and susceptible to motion sickness. Therefore, after getting a new car, drivers should use specialized deodorizing methods for cars to bring a pleasant feeling when sitting in the car.

1.4. Equipped with accessories to support safe driving

Most newly purchased cars are not equipped with smart accessories, especially popular car models today. Therefore, when taking a new car home, the driver should equip it with some useful accessories such as:
  • Cover the steering wheel
  • Wipers for cars
  • Equipped with soundproofing and anti-vibration materials
Refer to some additional car support products at

1.5. Install dash cam for new car

Car owners should install a dash cam when buying a new car to easily record their travel journey and have the necessary data to protect themselves in some necessary cases.

1.6. Car rescue kit

In urgent cases, a rescue kit will help you overcome unexpected problems that occur on the road. Therefore, when picking up a new car, the driver needs to immediately equip protective equipment such as:
  • Tire pump
  • Jack up the car
  • Vehicle towing hook
  • Electrical wire for battery connection

1.7. Cover the car's underbody

The undercarriage is the part in closest contact with the road surface, mud and some other environmental impacts leading to the undercarriage being susceptible to damage, wear and tear, and difficult to clean. Therefore, covering the car's underbody immediately after buying a new car will help the car owner overcome these problems.

Coat the new car's underbody with GB Underbody Coating

1.8. Apply heat-insulating film

On hot summer days, the temperature can rise up to 40 degrees Celsius. This causes the temperature inside the car to increase, causing heat, discomfort and wasting fuel from the equipment inside the car. In addition, UV - IR rays contained in sunlight also affect the health of people sitting inside the car and discolor the car's interior.
Therefore, to solve this problem, when getting a new car, the driver needs to apply heat-insulating film to protect the car.
Drivers can refer to the CeraMAX insulation film line from Korea. Modern ceramic enamel films apply Nano technology and infrared spectrum filtering to shoot Ceramic molecules to form layers capable of maximally eliminating heat absorption.
CeraMAX heat insulation film has a total heat resistance index of up to 92% - the most optimal heat protection solution for cars. In addition, CeraMAX anti-heat heat insulation film for cars also has the ability to cut 99% of infrared and ultraviolet rays; Extremely low reflectivity <10% effectively prevents glare when the vehicle moves in the opposite direction.



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