Greenhouse heat protection solution

Summary of the most effective heat protection solutions for greenhouses

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Solutions to help your home limit the impact of outside temperature on the environment, making the space cooler and more comfortable. Especially for greenhouse spaces - materials that easily absorb heat from the sun. Therefore, you need to add heat protection measures to make the living space more airy. Refer to the most effective sun protection solutions for greenhouses through the article below from CeraMAX.

1. What causes the greenhouse to get hot?

It can be seen that the main cause of heat and discomfort in greenhouse spaces is sunlight. On hot summer days, the heat absorption of glass doors also causes the cooling equipment to heat up and consume fuel.
In addition, there are a number of other causes that cause heat in the house space below:
Building rows of houses close together, especially in urban areas, makes it difficult for wind to circulate, causing the house to overheat.
Arranging too much furniture or items causes a cramped and stuffy feeling, making it impossible for the wind to circulate. Along with that, some items also have the ability to radiate heat, which is also the cause of heat in the house.
Not ensuring good insulation for walls or roofs during the design, construction and housing construction process. Or the house design has too few windows, the door is too small and there is no ventilation.

2. The most effective heat protection solution for greenhouses

To solve the hot situation in the greenhouse that affects the health of family members, you can apply the following heat-proof solutions for your home:

Temporary heat protection measures for greenhouses

To limit the temperature level, you can use some temporary heat protection measures for your home in the following ways:
  • Open regularly
  • Install sun-blocking curtains
  • Limit the use of electrical equipment when not necessary
  • Use a misting system
Note: These solutions are only for immediate sun protection and are not highly rated. Because the measures are only effective in reducing heat immediately and do not provide cooling.

Long-term heat protection measures for greenhouses

In the long term, to reduce the cost of  replacement and repair when applying temporary sun protection measures, you can apply sun protection measures to the greenhouse by applying heat-insulating film.
Regular glass doors have a very high ability to absorb heat from sunlight. This becomes a concern for many homeowners. Therefore, to limit heat absorption through glass as well as limit the influence of sunlight, many people have now chosen to insulate glass door spaces.
Heat from the sun increases the temperature inside the house, causing discomfort and causing cooling devices to waste electricity. Besides, the sun also contains UV rays that can damage the skin if not protected in the most comprehensive way. Exposure to sunlight can darken the skin, darken the skin and even cause aging or skin cancer.
Heat-insulating film has the ability to effectively block heat and prevent heat. The film operates on the principle of heat absorption and reflection, limiting the heat absorption of conventional glass windows. In addition, heat-insulating film also has the ability to eliminate harmful UV and IR rays, protecting the health of everyone and the interior.

See more about CeraMAX Super Heat Insulation Film produced at NDFOS factory - Korea. The film applies Nano technology and infrared spectrum filtering to shoot Ceramic molecules to form layers capable of maximally eliminating heat absorption.
CeraMAX heat insulation film has outstanding features:

  • Total heat resistance up to: 92%
  • Cut infrared rays up to 99%
  • Eliminates up to 99% of ultraviolet rays
  • Extremely low reflection <10%
  • Natural color.
  • Cost savings.

Above is a summary of effective heat protection solutions for greenhouses that many homeowners trust and apply to cool their family's living space. It can be seen that applying heat-insulating film is always the most effective solution for sun protection - heat protection, health protection and home interior protection.
If you are interested in CeraMAX window film for greenhouses, please contact us via hotline 1900 63 36 45 or Website for advice and answers to all questions.

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