Cleaning car interior

Instructions on 6 simple steps to clean car interiors that can be done at home
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Cleaning the car's interior is something you should do to keep the interior beautiful and durable over time. Long-term dirt can damage the aesthetics of the car and affect the health of people sitting inside the car. Therefore, cleaning the car interior needs to be done regularly and periodically. If you don't know how to clean the car's interior, follow the article below. CeraMAX shows you how to clean the car's interior simply and easily.

1.1. Car interior locations that need cleaning?

Car ceiling

If you think the ceiling of the car is a less dirty place, this is the place that gets dirty the most. But in fact, the car's ceiling is easy to collect dust and get wet from rainwater. Not only that, the ceiling of the car is also a very easy place to store odors and can be considered one of the biggest "odors" in the car. In case the driver has a habit of smoking in the car, the ceiling can easily become yellow and the smell of cigarettes will be very "persistent".

Car seat

Car seats are the place with the most bacteria and mold because the inside of the seat is mainly foam padding, except for the leather/felt covering on the outside. This foam layer is very absorbent and easy to stick to odors, etc. In addition, car seats are affected by dust and smoke from outside every day, and are susceptible to dirt or sweat from people sitting in the car.


This is also one of the locations that receives a lot of dirt when trampled by muddy shoes, etc., making the car floor a "super dirty" place. Meanwhile, most car floors are covered with felt, a material that easily gets dirty, gets wet, and smells...
The car floor is the location that receives the most dirt.

Steering wheel, dashboard, tappi

Every day, hand sweat secreted when holding the steering wheel will create conditions for bacteria to accumulate, multiply and multiply if not cleaned regularly. Using a steering wheel cover is the optimal solution to help limit the effects of sweat and prevent slipping.
=> Refer to Korean UB Auto steering wheel cover products at:
Similar to the control panel on the dashboard, the door dashboard is also a place that is easily contaminated.

Door knob

Door handles often come into contact with many people's hands, so the risk of infection and infection is also very high. Especially vehicles specializing in passenger transport business such as taxis, Grab,...

Car glass

Car glass is the location that receives dirt on both the outside and inside surfaces of the car. Dirt that accumulates over time can affect the driver's vision. Above all, regular car glass easily absorbs temperature from the outside environment, increasing the temperature inside the car. This is also one of the risks that causes the car's interior to be affected, discoloring details and wasting fuel.
Applying heat-insulating film to car glass positions is the optimal solution for this problem. Heat-insulating films provide high heat resistance, maximally eliminating UV - IR in sunlight that affects the interior and human health.
See more about CeraMAX super heat insulation film from Korea. The film provides good thermal insulation with a heat resistance index of up to 92%, helping to stabilize the temperature inside the car and save fuel. In addition, CeraMAX heat-insulating film also has the ability to block UV, block IR, protect health, and prevent car interior discoloration. The film has good optical transparency, low reflection, high light transmittance and anti-glare to ensure clear vision.
Contact hotline 1900 63 36 45 for free consultation!

1.2. Instructions on how to clean car interiors simply

To prepare for car interior cleaning, you need to prepare the following specialized tools:
- Specialized car interior cleaning solution
- Dry and wet cotton cleaning cloths
- Vacuum cleaner
- A soft brush
- Small soft bristle brush
- Process of cleaning car interior steps:

Step 1: Vacuum

Vacuuming locations on the car will make cleaning steps easier and cleaner. Vacuuming the car interior should start from high to low and from top to bottom. First, the driver should vacuum from the car's ceiling, then other locations such as the dashboard, steering wheel, door panels, car seats, etc. And finally the car floor.
Note:  when vacuuming, drivers should pay attention to the slots and crevices because those are the places where dirt can easily get in.

Step 2: Clean the car ceiling

After vacuuming, the driver proceeds to clean the ceiling of the car. The ceiling of the car is usually less dirty than other locations, so cleaning is quite easy. Just spray the specialized cleaning solution directly onto the ceiling of the car and wait about 5 minutes then wipe clean with a cotton cloth.
Note: The ceiling of the car is also quite wide. If you are more careful, you can use another towel to replace the other towel when it gets dirty.

Step 3: Clean the dashboard, steering wheel, and gear lever base

Taplo, steering wheel, center gear lever, etc. are places that are frequently used and can easily get dirty. These locations have many small details, so when cleaning you need to be very meticulous.
In this step, you need to prepare a small soft brush, a dry towel and a specialized cleaning solution. In small crevices that cannot be cleaned with a towel, you can use a soft bristle brush to clean them and then use a towel to wipe around.

Step 4: Clean car seats

First, you spray a specialized cleaning solution on the chair and use a soft bristle brush to gently brush from the back of the chair to the surface of the chair, front and back. After you have finished brushing, use a clean, dry towel to wipe it clean again.
In case the chair is made from leather, after cleaning with a specialized cleaning solution, you can use a clean towel to wipe with leather polishing solution to create shine for the chair's leather surface.

Step 5: Clean the door

Car door panels are usually made of plastic, so cleaning this part is quite easy. Just use a clean brush with specialized cleaning solution and wipe with a dry cloth. And don't forget small details like door slots, hinges, and door handles. If the door has leather upholstery, use a soft brush similar to cleaning the seats.

Step 6: Clean the car floor

Car floors and carpets are the dirtiest of all the places that need cleaning. Although it is an easy place to get dirty, this is also an easy place for you to clean. For the car floor, after spraying the cleaning solution, just use a soft brush and towel to wipe the car floor and the car floor will become clean quickly.
It can be seen that the way to clean car interiors that we share is quite simple and drivers can do it right at home. Follow CeraMAX  for more useful information at to keep the interior and exterior of your car always as beautiful as new.
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